Build An App Like Uber/Ola For Your Company
Are you looking to make your taxi/cab startup like Uber and Ola successful? Then, nothing is better than creating a robust cab booking app solution that is considered to be the future of transport.
With the sudden urge of on-demand cab services are internationally in high demand. Taking advantage of this market necessity and approaching high-end developers with Taxi/cab App Development experience will carry the business to new altitudes.
The design concept plays an important role it will decide the structure of you app and the appearance also making it sure that it is user friendly. There are different features that can integrate into the app as per the clients’ requirement.
Features For Users
Features For Driver
Trip History
Path selection
Rider analysis
Earning Tab
Features For Admin Panel
Drivers Management
The system registered drivers can be managed by the admin. Admin can review their added Documents and Vehicles. Any Driver account can be approved / rejected by Admin. Driver will only be able to login online if the Admin has approved their account. Admin can add / modify / suppress any Driver.
Vehicle Management
Admin can handle the Vehicles added by drivers. Admin can review the Vehicle document and approve / reject the Vehicle as appropriate. Admin can add, modify and remove any Vehicle.
Vehicle type Management
Admin can manage the vehicle Type / Categories shown on the Rider App. They can define the name of a vehicle, the rates and other details.
Riders Management
Admin is able to manage the System-registered Riders. Any Rider can be added / modified / deleted by Admin.
Ride Later Bookings
Admin will be able to view all Trips booked later. For each booked trip, the system will auto assign the driver or the admin can manually assign the trip to any Driver that is available at that time.
Trips Management
Admin is able to view on the system all the trips made so far. Admin can filter your Trip by Date, Client, Driver, and Rider and show any Trip invoice.
This section allows the admin to display all the feedback provided by the drivers as well as the drivers for the Riders over the web. The Admin can export this to an excel sheet report.
We have an improvement report feature where as an administrator you can see different reports such as Transaction Report, Total Earning Report, User Wallet Report, Driver Transaction Report, Driver Log Report, etc. Our advanced reports are there to help you plan your business well.
Admin can manage all system-related settings from here, such as General Settings, Email Templates, Documents, Language Labels, Car Make / Models, Information Pages, Currency Rate Management, SEO Settings, Backup Database, FAQs etc.